meditative jogging
In 2022, I had my first long chronic illness-eczema. It warns me that it is time to pay attention to my health. Hence, I started to seek help from my ancestor by reading Chinese medicine classics. One such famous book is 《 the scripture of yellow emperor》。 Any Chinese older than 10 years old have heard of this book. Unfortunately, the book is written in Ancient Chinese; it is hard for modern Chinese to completely understand the book. Fortunately, social media Youtube provides abundant learning sources including teachings from famous Chinese medicine doctors. I am voraciously learning now.
The book suggests a major principle for one to stay healthy: follow nature. Let me explain it in one example. Every day, we will need to decide what time to go to bed at night and what time to rise in the morning. But what is the best time to go to bed and get up? The book suggests that we adjust the time according to seasonal changes—basically following the sun.
In the Spring, although the day is still relatively short, all living things start to spring up. Therefore, one should go to bed early and get up early. When getting up, let your hair down, wear loose clothing, and stroll around in the yard. In the summer, the days are long; all living things are at the peak of their life, full of energy and vibrancy. Hence, man should go to bed late (after sunset) and rise early (when the dawn breaks). Summer is also the season one should sweat. Hence, we should not stay in an air-conditioned environment all the time. Many Chinese who believe in Chinese traditional medicine will restrain the use of air-conditioners and electric fans. Turn them on only before bedtime and shut them off when they are ready for bed. if one has too much comfort and robs oneself of the opportunity to sweat in the summer, in the autumn, one will fall ill.
In the fall, leaves fall, and fruits ripen. Days are shortening. One should moderate one’s exercises. Fall is the season that is important for the lung whose color is white. The book suggests one eat food that is white such as pears, and daikon root. In winter, the day becomes shorter; and all things become dormant. Many animals like bears hibernate. Hence, man should go to bed early and get up after sunrise. Winter is important for the health of kidneys whose color is black. The book suggests man should eat foods of black color and plant roots such as carrots, and potatoes. These foods are good for the kidney. Moreover, the book says one should not engage in intensive workouts in winter. Suitable activities include taiji, qigong, walking, and slow jogging. Chinese medicine is against extreme sports such as marathons, triathlons, and winter swimming outdoors in a cold climate.
As a new Coloradoan, I am not used to the climate. walking on the snowy and icy roads seems dangerous, not to mention running. I started to use the community small gym and run on the treadmill for 50 minutes a day. Following the principle of Chinese medicine, I adjust my running speed by checking my heart rate monitor.
Listening to the sound caused by my feet falling on the treadmill and counting 1,2,3,…..8, and repeat, I feel like I am meditating. When the body moves, the mind often slows down. Starting from early December, now I have been jogging for about a month. I enjoy the meditative process. Hopefully, this habit will help me regain a bit of my fading youth.
My body weight stays at around 120 pounds. Jogging seems to help improve my sleep. I have experienced several nights of sleep without waking up in the middle.