Excerpts from –文摘–和陌生人对话
不对称的错觉-Illusion of Asymmetric insights
The conviction that we know others better than they know us and that we may have insights about them they lack (but not vice versa)-leads us to talk when we would do well to listen and to be less patient than we ought to be when others express the conviction that they are the ones who are being misunderstood or judged unfairly.
Because of this illusion of asymmetric insights, we think we can easily see into the hearts of others based on the flimsiest of clues. We jump at the chance to judge strangers. We would never do that to ourselves, of course. We are nuanced, complex, and enigmatic, but the stranger is easy.
以上的不对称错觉正违反了孙子兵法的 “知彼知己,百战不殆”的原则,认为知彼要比知己要容易得多。面对一个陌生人,而你对该陌生人的判断对你自己,家人,所在的团体,国家会有重大影响是,记住看穿陌生人不容易,最好把那个陌生人当做一块人类从未踏足过的土地,一个你从未听说过、从未到过的国家那样来看待,不要妄下结论。
Default to Truth(默认为真)
We have a default to truth: our operating assumption is that the people we are dealing with are honest.
You believe someone not because you have no doubts about them. Belief is not the absence of doubt. You believe someone because you don’t have enough doubts about them. Only if there are enough red flags, you will be pushed over the threshold of belief. If there are not, then by default to truth because you are only human.
I think an antidote to this default to-truth mechanism is an old Chinese saying, “The intention to harm others is unacceptable, and the intention to prevent others is indispensable”—害人之心不可有,防人之心不可无。
The holy fool (神圣的法官)
The holy fool is a social misfit–eccentric, off-putting, sometimes even crazy–who nonetheless has access to the truth. The holy fool is a truth-teller because he is an outcast. Those who are not part of existing social hierachies are free to blurt out inconvenient truths or question things the rest of us take for granted, The holy fool is someone who thinks liars and con man are not as rare as one thinks. Society benefits from Holy fools because they perform a valuable role, but we cannot all be holy fools.
The advantage to human beings lies in assuming that strangers are truthful. What we get in exchange for being vulnerable to an occasional lie is efficient communication and social coordination. The benefits are huge and the costs are trivial in comparison. Sure, we get deceived once in a while. That is just the cost of doing business.
Friends Fallacy (知人知面不知心)
The facial expressions of actors/actresses in the sitcom <friends> match exactly the emotion they are supposed to express, but common people’s expressions of emotions most of the time do not match the stereotypes; this will cause judges’ jurisdictions worse than a computer. More information is worse than no information.
We can guess right the people whose level of truthfulness corresponds with how they look. If the person is a liar but has the demeanor of an honest person, then we cannot detect him as a liar.
The Myopia Effect of Alcohol
The myopia theory was first suggested by psychologists Claude Steele and Robert Josephs. Alcohol’s principal effect is to narrow our emotional and mental fields of vision. it creates ” a state of shortsightedness in which superficially understood, immediate aspects of experience have a disproportionate influence on behavior and emotion.” Alcohol makes the thing in the foreground more salient and the thing in the background less significant. It makes short-term considerations loom larger, and more cognitively demanding, and longer-term considerations fade away. To give an example, if a drunkard is at a football game surrounded by rabid fans, the excitement and drama going on around him will temporarily crowd out his pressing worldly concerns because the game is front and center, his worries are not. However, if the same man is in a quiet corner of a bar, drinking alone, he will get more depressed.