Way to Digest the Feeling of Being Trapped
When feel trapped by four sides of walls, I usually:
Take actions by:
- Cleaning and tidying up my living and working space—these actions give you a sense of control because you can see the changes immediately after action
- Take a long walk or cycling in the nature–1 hour or longer—physical activities free up some space in our mind from tangled thoughts.
- Sleep—deep sleep will process your worries, like a blender—-worries will become easier to handle after a good night of sleep.
- Look up at the sky—bird flying, clouds floating—the world is much vaster than our own sense of self.
- Play piano
- Journaling–write down what ever comes to mind.
- Find a great book to read.
Non-doing or be playful
- Meditation, Qigong, or Yoga (Kundalini yoga) that emphasizes a lot on breathing and movement is very effective to calm mind.
- Play or talk to a child—I love video-chatting with my 6-year old niece who lives at the other end of the earth.
- Baking is not a forte of Chinese cuisine. Learning to bake and cuisine from other culture brings freshness into my life, offsetting the sense of stuck and trapped.